Oligonucleotides comprise a rapidly growing class of therapeutics. However, due to their novelty, complexity and limited regulatory guidance, oligonucleotides have more technical challenges and unknown consequences for drug developers compared to more conventional drugs. As such, oligonucleotides require pharmacokinetic evaluation systems that differ from traditional assays in significant ways. We will share our strategies to tackle these DMPK challenges and accelerate oligonucleotide drug development. Challenges will be further broken down into three categories: ADME, metabolite identification and profiling, and bioanalysis. Attendees can also expect to learn about current trends in developing oligonucleotide drugs and strategies and solutions to tackle these DMPK challenges for oligonucleotides.
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Shiyan Chen, Ph. D.
WuXi AppTec
Hong Zhang, Ph. D.
WuXi AppTec
Nan Zhao, Ph. D.
WuXi AppTec
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