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Rodent PK Study

Rodent PK studies are favored for their lower demand for compounds, shorter TAT at a lower cost, diverse animal models, and mature in vivo technique. There are many types of rodent PK studies that can meet new drug discovery and development needs in preclinical stage and provide reference and guidance for large animal PK studies, pharmacodynamics studies, and toxicology studies.

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  • Animal Species

  • Route of Administration

  • Surgical Models

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Our team has developed more than 30 routes of administration and more than 10 surgery models based on market needs and provides high-quality rodent in vivo PK services to thousands of customers worldwide. The team has also established many unique technical capabilities, such as intravenous infusion for more than 7 consecutive days. The team has launched many high-quality capabilities for the transdermal PK, respiratory PK, ophthalmology PK, and neuro PK and provided many trouble-shooting solutions for customer studies.

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Animal Species

  • 小鼠.svg


    • ICR (CD-1)

    • C57BL/6

    • BALB/c

    • FVB

    • BALB/c Nude

    • NOD SCID

    • P-gp/BCRP KO Mouse

  • 大鼠.svg


    • Sprague Dawley

    • Wistar Han

    • Wistar

    • Brown Norway

    • F344(CDF)

    • Lewis

  • 仓鼠(1).svg


    • LVG Golden Syrian Hamster

  • f03_icon01.png

    Guinea Pig

    • Harley Guinea Pig

Route of Administration

Case Sharing of Administration Route

  • Route of Administration
  • Case Sharing of Administration Route
    • Capsule administration

    • Intrathecal injection

    • 7-day continuous intravenous infusion

    • Intranasal administration

    • Intratracheal administration

    • Inhalation administration

    • Mini-pump implant

    • Intravitreal injection

    • Intracerebroventricular administration

    • Intravenous bolus injection

    • Intravenous Infusion

    • Oral gavage

    • Intramuscular injection

    • Subcutaneous injection

    • Intradermal injection

    • Intraperitoneal injection

    • Intestinal administration

    • Sublingual administration

    • Transdermal administration

    • Eye drop administration

    • Intra-articular injection

    • Rectal administration

    • Vaginal administration

    • Intravesical administration

  • The transdermal drug delivery system (TDDS) has always been an attractive field as it can provide a therapeutic window larger than whole-body delivery. Topical skin formulations are widely used for topical administration, exert local effects, and cause systemic effects through skin absorption. Methods of evaluating topical drug transdermal delivery are divided into in vivo and in vitro 1. Skin absorption is mainly a passive diffusion process. Literature has proven that the data obtained from in vitro studies complying with the appropriate protocol are of great reference values. Compared with traditional in vivo experiments, in vitro methods can measure the drug concentration retained in the skin and the amount that diffused through the skin into the receptor chamber. This method allows the exploration of skin permeability at the early screening stage. No live animals are used in this study, and multiple replicates can be applied at the same or different compounds. This feature is especially suitable for comparing the skin penetration of the same compounds in various in vivo studies complying with the appropriate protocol are of great reference values. Compared with traditional in vitro formulations and screening the transdermal properties of different compounds 2 In vitro, transdermal experiments tested the drug permeability of different batches of drugs using Bama minipigs' skin. The data showed no significant difference in the in vitro permeation characteristics between the test and the reference.

    • 24hPermeationProfileusingBamaMiniaturePigSkin.webp

      24h Permeation Profile using Bama Miniature Pig Skin

      Figure 1

    • Flux.webp

      24h Permeation Profile using Bama Miniature Pig Skin

      Figure 2

    • 24hSkinRetention.webp

      24h Skin Retention of a Drug in Bama Miniature Pigs' Skin

      Figure 3

    • PermeationFlux.webp

      Permeation Flux Reached Steady State using

      Figure 4

Surgical Models

Case Sharing of Surgical Model

  • Surgical Models
  • Case Sharing of Surgical Model
    • dashboard.svg

      Vascular Cannulation

      • Carotid

      • HJugular vein

      • Femoral artery

      • Femoral vein

      • Hepatic portal vein

    • dashboard.svg

      Non-vascular Cannulation

      • Bile duct

      • Duodenum

      • Mesenteric lymph

      • Cisterna magna cannulation

    • dashboard.svg

      Non-survival Surgery

      • In situ small intestine perfusion

      • Isolated liver perfusion

      • In situ brain perfusion

      • Nasal lavage

      • Bronchoalveolar lavage

  • In situ single-pass intestinal perfusion (SPIP) model: To date, the most used model for predicting the absorption process in humans is the Caco-2 cell monolayer system. While drug permeability correlates well with drug absorption in humans and the Caco-2 studies, there are many limitations when studying carrier-mediated transport or monitoring intestinal metabolites 3. In situ single-pass intestinal perfusion (SPIP) is the closest experimental method that mimics oral administration and directly measures compound absorption rate. The intestinal structure is similar in both humans and rodents, and there is a strong correlation between effective permeability (Peff) and fraction absorbed (Fa) between these two species (R2 = 0.8 to 0.95). It is easy to control the intestinal environment in SPIP studies, such as drug concentration in the perfusate, perfusate pH, perfusion flow rate, and target intestine perfusion part of the study. More importantly, the SPIP enables simultaneous measurement of the effective permeability (Peff) and flux of drugs appearing in mesenteric blood (Papp) 4, 5. The team can use SPIP models in rodents to assess the intestinal permeability of test compounds and monitor their metabolites.

    GroupTest Compound

    Peff from Literature

    (×10-6 cm/s)6,7

    Peff from

    Verification Studies

    (×10-6 cm/s)

    Average Papp

    (×10-6 cm/s)



















List of biological sample collection of rodents

List of Organ and Tissue Matrix for histopathology

  • Whole blood

  • Plasma

  • Serum

  • White blood cell

  • Erythrocytes

  • PBMC

  • Ocular tissues*

  • Brain tissue* *

  • Bone marrow

  • Organs

  • Intestinal fluid

  • Gastric fluid

  • Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid

  • Joint lavage fluid

  • Nasal mucosa

  • Cerebrospinal fluid

  • Cerebrospinal fluid (rat multiple consecutive)

  • Lymph (surgical)

  • Bile (surgical)

  • Urine (metabolic cage)

  • Feces (metabolic cage)

  • Intestinal perfusion (rat, surgical)

  • Liver perfusion (rat, surgical)


The samples of ocular tissues include but are not limited to conjunctiva, cornea, iris, lens, ciliary body, retina, choroid, sclera, optic nerve, aqueous humor, vitreous body, and tear.


Samples of various brain tissues include but are not limited to the caudate nucleus, cerebellum, cerebral cortex, white matter of the cerebrum, cingulate gyrus, cingulate sulcus, corpus callosum, external capsule, internal capsule, globus pallidus, hippocampus, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, midbrain, medulla oblongata, optic nerve, optic chiasm, pons, shell, and spinal cord.


  • 18+

    Years of experience

  • 280+/Year

    Rodent IND PK studies

  • 10,000+/Year

    Rodent discovery PK studies



There are 3 facilities for rodent PK studies, which are located in Shanghai, Suzhou, and Nanjing respectively. All animal facilities are barrier systems and are accredited by AAALAC (Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care) International. In addition, the Shanghai and Suzhou animal facilities also have the US OLAW Animal Welfare Assurance. The main SPF animals in the facility include rats, mice, guinea pigs, and hamsters, and can support the PK study throughput of 2,200 animals/week.

  • F2tu5.webp

    AAALAC Certificate

  • F2tu6.webp

    Surgery Room

  • F2tu7.webp

    Automated Blood Sampler (ABS)

  • f03img05.webp

    Pulse Vacuum Steam Sterilizer

  • F2tu9.webp


  • f03img06.webp

    Cage and Rack washer

  • 活体.jpg

    In vivo imaging system (IVIS)

Learn more about our facilities

Including mouse,rat,hamster,monkey,dog,pig,rabbit,etc


  • What is a Rodent PK study?

    Rodent pharmacokinetic (PK) studies evaluate and elucidate the mechanism of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of test articles in rodents, such as mice, rats, etc. These studies are crucial for determining appropriate drug exposure, dose requirements, and other PK parameters to facilitate efficacious and safe studies in the future.

  • What types of rodents are commonly used in PK studies?

    In rodent PK studies, the most commonly used animals are mice and rats, followed by hamsters and guinea pigs.

  • What are your capabilities in rodents for neuro PK?

    We have a lot of experience with neuro PK studies in rodents, and we can perform intracerebroventricular administration and we can collect cerebrospinal fluid in rats and mice and different brain tissues in rodents as well.

  • What are your advantages in respiratory drug delivery for rodents?

    We have rich experience in rodent respiratory drug administration, such as intranasal administration, intratracheal administration, inhalation administration, etc. We have also provided a lot of high-quality study services to customers.

Related Resources


  1. 1.

    Guideline, O. E. C. D. 428-Guideline for the Testing of Chemicals-Skin Absorption: in vitro Method." Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris (2004)

  2. 2.

    Oh, Luke, et al. In Vitro Skin Permeation Methodology for Over-The-Counter Topical Dermatologic Products." Therapeutic Innovation & regulatory science 54.3 (2020): 693-700

  3. 3.

    Kim, J.S., Mitchell, S., Kijek, P., Tsume, Y., Hilfinger, J. and Amidon, G.L., 2006. The suitability of an in-situ perfusion model for permeability determinations: utility for BCS class I biowaiver requests. Molecular Pharmaceutics, 3 (6), pp.686-694

  4. 4.

    Chiou, W.L. and Barve, A., 1998. Linear correlation of the fraction of oral dose absorbed of 64 drugs between humans and rats. Pharmaceutical Research, 15 (11), p.1792

  5. 5.

    Cao, X., Gibbs, S.T., Fang, L., Miller, H.A., Landowski, C.P., Shin, H.C., Lennernas, H., Zhong, Y., Amidon, G.L., Lawrence, X.Y. and Sun, D., 2006. Why is it challenging to predict intestinal drug absorption and oral bioavailability in humans using the rat model. Pharmaceutical Research, 23 (8), pp.1675-1686

  6. 6.

    Salphati, L., Childers, K., Pan, L., Tsutsui, K. and Takahashi, L., 2001. Evaluation of a single-pass intestinal perfusion method in rats for the prediction of absorption in man. Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology, 53 (7), pp.1007-1013

  7. 7.

    Dahlgren, D., Roos, C., Sjögren, E. and Lennernäs, H., 2015. Direct in vivo human intestinal permeability (Peff) determination with different clinical perfusion and intubation methods. Journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 104 (9), pp.2702-2726

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