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In Vivo Pharmacokinetics

Pharmacokinetics (PK) describes how the body affects the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) processes of specific xenobiotics/chemicals or their metabolites after administration. Early in vivo PK profiling provide a basis for choosing new molecular entities (NMEs) and lead compounds. It is necessary for drug candidate selection (CS) and late‐stage preclinical and clinical development.

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The WuXi AppTec DMPK is committed to providing a comprehensive R&D platform for in vivo PK experiments assisting new drug R&D projects with the most effective in vivo research methods. The protocol is designed specifically to fulfill clients' needs and their experiment purposes, including formulation screening, dose and sampling time point setting, administration route, and sample matrix selection. In formulation screening studies, the compound stability and solubility in its solvent are measured based on its physicochemical properties before in vivo study starts. DMPK providing accurate and efficient solutions to cope with all the challenges that occur in the new drug development.

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Featured Strengths

High Standards of Animal Welfare

  • The animal facilities meet with China, US, and EU standards

  • Good animal care and use program with oversight of animal welfare

AAALAC achievement of accreditation
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    Abundant Animal Resources

    • More than 10,000 rodents and more than 3000 non-rodents in stock, no lead time

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    Extensive Surgery Experience

    • Equipped with state-of-the-art animal surgery rooms, 15+ years of animal surgery experience

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    Automated Facilities

    • Chips and intelligent cage cards are utilized to manage large animals, enhancing efficiency and quality management

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    Preclinical Vehicle Screening Service

    • Experienced in preclinical vehicle screening for different types of test articles with safe and effective vehicles


  • What is a pharmacokinetic study?

    Drug metabolism and pharmacokinetic studies primarily characterize the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) properties of compounds, playing a crucial role in reducing the failure rate of drug development. Clarifying and optimizing the pharmacokinetic properties of drugs can help select drugs with better target efficacy and safety, reduce the risk of drug interactions, and provide a basis for clinical dosing and frequency.

  • What is the difference between in vivo and in vitro pharmacokinetics?

    • In vivo and in vitro pharmacokinetics refer to different methods of studying how a drug behaves in a biological system. Both In vivo and in vitro studies are important and complementary in the field of pharmacokinetics.

    • In vivo pharmacokinetics involves studying the drug in a living organism. This could be in humans, animals, or even plants. The drug is administered and then various measurements are taken to understand how the drug is absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and excreted. This provides a comprehensive view of the drug’s behavior in a complex biological system, including the effects of various physiological processes. In contrast, in vitro pharmacokinetics involves studying the drug outside of a living organism, often in a controlled laboratory environment such as a petri dish or test tube. These studies typically involve using isolated cells, tissues, or enzymes to understand specific aspects of the drug’s behavior, such as its metabolism or interaction with certain proteins.

    • In vitro studies can provide more controlled and specific information, but they lack the complexity of a whole organism. Conversely, in vivo studies provide a more holistic view, but can be more complex and difficult to interpret due to the multitude of factors at play.

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