The Non-GLP Bioanalysis Team has four sites in China. They include our Shanghai, Suzhou, Nanjing, and Nantong sites. All the laboratories have instrument rooms and sample processing rooms. Our team has established a variety of advanced LC-MS platforms to meet customers' analytical needs at different stages. We have a wide range of mass spectrometers, such as multiple generations of Sciex triple quadrupole mass spectrometers, Waters XeVo G2 QToF, Vion QToF, and ThermoFisher Orbitrap Q-Exactive™ Plus, Q-Exactive™ HF, and Eclipse systems. These mass spectrometry systems are coupled with ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography systems such as Waters UPLC and Shimadzu UHPLC. For the screening stage in vitro sample bioanalysis, high throughput autosamplers such as CTC and ADDA are utilized. SpectraMax M5/M5e instruments from Molecular Devices and QuickPlex SQ120 instrument from MSD are applied for the LBA analysis of large molecules. In addition, we have multiple automated sample preparation systems such as the HP D300e instrument and Hamilton Microlab STAR™ liquid handler workstation to support fast sample preparation.
Selected high-performance liquid chromatography systems of Non-GLP bioanalysis laboratory
Selected high throughput autosampler systems of Non-GLP bioanalysis laboratory
Selected triple-quad mass spectrometry systems of Non-GLP bioanalysis laboratory
Selected high-resolution mass spectrometry systems of Non-GLP bioanalysis laboratory
Selected ligand binding assay instrument platforms of Non-GLP bioanalysis laboratory
Selected automation systems of Non-GLP bioanalysis laboratory
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